Monday, April 17, 2017

"They're already here! You're next!"

I've got the Sonnenberg mapped out on the canvas in colored pencil.  Although the source photograph is in full color, somehow it came out looking like a sepia print.  Fine with me, keep it simple.  You can't even see her face, how's that for simple?

Worked some on the Weird Science shot last night.  Wasn't in the zone but it was enough to make me decide to do it in pencil because working out the shapes is going to take a lot of erasing.  That's good, it will form a matching set with the Pretty in Pink drawing.  If I want the energy of a ballpoint sketch, I can do it again after that.  Yesterday as I was painting, I wiped my brushes off on a bit of scrap paper which had ink markings on the other side.  The turpentine made the ink visible, and smudged it.  I like the look and will need to try it with an ink drawing.  If it works...get to an art store downtown and get some colored ink!!  

My protest Uncle Sam is mapped out, going to transfer it to art paper.  It has to be in color, so I have the original poster by James Montgomery Flagg for reference to color and style.  I doubt I can duplicate his style but at least I can do the pic in watercolors.  It's an image I've had in mind since the Dubby Bush administration.  There were a few times Obama earned it a little too, but not like Dubya.  And now Trump is making G.W. look like a genius leader.  I'll have to find a font and come up with some slogans.  I've got one already in Russian Cyrillic. "I WANT YOU to look the other way".   Too bad most Americans don't read Cyrillic, but that in itself is suggestive enough.   I'd like to run it past an expert in Russian, though.  "YOU'RE FIRED" in Cyrillic might be nice too.   Can't wait to see this POS impeached and his cabinet jailed.

I just remembered an object I want to build from a movie, and I'll say little more about it.  Though Jesseca doesn't read this blog, I'd be thrilled to have it ready for her birthday.  No good shots of it in Bing search engines, I'll have to get some screencaps.  That means literally aiming my camera at the TV screen.  Some of the details I will have to make up myself, but Jesseca is a lot more okay with that than I am so it's all good.

Late afternoon, should be doing something but I really want to take a walk!  Overcast, breezy, could rain: perfect.  A gentle late evening rain would be ideal.  Take the back roads, quieter.  Maybe psych myself up for oil or watercolor? 

(11 PM)  Been working all evening, the Uncle Sam in watercolor pencil.  This part is finished.  I have not yet brushed it with water, and as I did not have any watercolor paper I hope I it  won't be ruined...because...this fucking rocks.  For me, anyway.  The eyes aren't quite right, but I think if I can deepen the sin colors and then add pure white paint to the eyes so they really stand out...I hope people will get the pop culture  reference, because the satire is lost if they don't.  Those eyes are scary, but I'd never noticed before how haunted they are.  It's the perfect image for Trump's America, this sums it up in one image.  You hardly need a caption.  Oh, well, when people think of the poster they think of the slogan.  "I Want YOU." 

I hate to stop where I am but the next step is a big one and I'm risking a headache already.  It will need to be scanned in, and I'll need the editing program on the other machine to add text and a border.  (Heh, add a border around Trump, there's a joke in there...)   Once I brush what's there I can add regular watercolor paint to deepen the colors.  Could be done with the main image tomorrow if nothing else comes up to stop me.  Oops, a little bit more on the sleeve.  Tempted to put a little Russian flag pin on the lapel to satirize American flag pins, but that's overkill.  For two or three decades the Republicans have been shouting at the tops of their lungs how they're the only patriots in America, yet they're the first in line under Trump to sell out to Putin and cheerlead the wholesale dismantling of democracy.  True colors indeed.

For years I kept hearing how there were still sane conservatives left who wanted to take their party back from the extremists.  Where did they all go?  You never hear about them anymore.  I never did agree with conservatives, but at least in the Reagan era I could understand where they were coming from. Today's brood stand for nothing but naked power.

Mm.  Quarter to midnight, late supper as is normal, and I added some peanut butter to the jasmine rice.  Not much, just enough to flavor it.  Good call. 

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