Friday, March 31, 2017


Friday afternoon, still no work done.  Have slept twice for about two hours at a time.

Trying to find some art-based justification for posting.  Can't think of anything but potential projects, which are just talk and hypothetical.  Need more material for models, most of them have initial obstacles to figure out.  Doing okay for bakable clay for the moment.  Still would like to try that shot from Weird Science, and I'm wondering what approach would best suit... ballpoint sketch would look really nice.   The details are so fuzzy from the screencap, something sketchier is a safer bet, and my ballpoint work has a pleasing energy.  I should do more.   And I don't have to experiment anymore to know I can do them, so for christ sake stop doing them on typing paper that rips up!  Make salable pieces on proper art paper that will go to fill a portfolio!  Find some to add some color to, put a watercolor wash underneath.  Or over, see what it does to the ink.  In fact...see if I can find where my pen nibs have gone to and if they still lay down ink smoothly.  It would be nice to do some finer lines.  That's for more studied work, though, it won't have the same energy as the ballpoint lines I can lay down quickly and lightly.

I'm looking over pics right now.  Spend the weekend on a "quick" fix or get closer on Sharon?  I will be able to access the scanner this weekend.  Almost all of these source pics I'd rather do in pencil, and some bigger...but it's better to stick to the same size for a portfolio.  Need to look for a better deal than something from Michael's.  Then again, if I can manage to get some money and one of their half-off coupons, that  would help. 

I'm thinking about redoing an old drawing of Caprice from Franklin (decided not to add that drawing this post).  The original page is yellowed.  It was one of my best works at the time, and it was the one that led me to an abhorrence of contour lines in pencil drawings.  I think it was the one that made me realize I was developing a voice.  I would work from the drawing itself this time (not sure which yearbook it was in or if that was the one Lori Hamilton didn't bring back to me), which would be kind of interesting as an exercise - removing the drawing from the source entirely.  There's also the remains of a bust of Queen Hatshepsut that calls to be given life.  Only half of her face is left, and she has a beguiling one.  That one might look good incomplete, the headdress is of vastly less importance than that smile, those eyes.   I like the unfinished look, if i can figure out what to leave that way - I mentioned that about the Sharon Mitchell pic, didn't I?  Must do an image search on Egyptian headdresses.

Umph.  I can always add a pic later if I get something done tonight.  Environment here isn't conducive to it. 


Friday, around 1:30 AM.  Dana appeared in a dream, as herself.  A very  good dream, promising, though we didn't interact it seemed as if it could have been a beginning toward answering my recent showed no reason why we shouldn't be in each other's lives.  Not a dream I can detail publicly.  She did say to someone else that we are friends, and seemed to be warm toward my presence.  I was happy to be there, though the dream ended before we had a chance to speak to each other.  OTOH, the dream didn't tell me anything I didn't already know and I got no sense that it was "one of those" or anything beyond my own subconscious creation, so I don't know that I should be hopeful.  I felt good just being in her presence again.  Tired of proxies. 

Come on, Dana Marie, you can do this.  Talk with me.  Write me a letter, you have my street address. 


Crap.  Half a week ago I did an image search on Nastassja Kinski and found an image I should have saved immediately.  I can no longer find it and want a copy.  It was a better version of this:

I didn't click it, so I don't know the size...but it was clear and in color.  I had it once back in high school, around '84.  From an issue of Time Magazine.  I drew it and sold it to one of the teachers for fifteen dollars.  He wanted to give me twenty-five but his wife talked him down.  Tried multiple search terms on Bing and Google. Perhaps Pinterest has it but that means searching an endless maze of pages.  I did find several photos from that same shoot (one made the cover of Cine Revue), but not this one.  I've come to really like portraits where the subject's hand is in view, I like the interplay.  This was the first and may have planted that idea.

I cropped it at the shoulders and omitted the strap.  Looked really nice, one of my better works. There were a number of others of her I wanted to do, and I have a new one now, but it would be fun to do this again. 

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