Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Maybe it's a moth riff.

Can't sleep, and my nighttime numbers have been terrible.  The new med is time-release, and I think it doesn't stay in my system overnight. 

I have not had any dreams of Dana.  I have had two dreams of my late parakeet dying.  Two nights in a row - last night, and one just a half hour ago.  In dreams past, Dana has been represented by parakeets, usually caged by someone.  So, though it may be foolish, I'm responding to that: Dana, I love you.  I do not know what the problem is, or  whether there is one at all.  I can't know if you don't tell me.  I'm looking for some reason to believe in you still.  Give me a reason to forgive you.  Talk to me, anything at all.  Just open the door, figure the rest out later.  Baby, it's in your hands.  It is. 

(unhappy, worried)

I am going to order the Milliput delivered, the grade I need always sells out faster than I can grab it at the shop.  Per drawing, I keep looking at Dana's hair and I think I see a way forward on her portrait.  There might be some pics of her in whatever yearbooks I have, but it's not the past I'm looking for. 

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