Friday, April 15, 2016


Cannot work on drawing.   The situation is deteriorating, we need a lawyer though we cannot afford one.  We had a glimmer of hope yesterday,  finally got a doctor involved who has a clue and wants to help.  Sadly, he is under the thumb of the primary care physician, a big name with Providence, who is determined to block any care or help.  My father is beyond our capacity to help and keeping him in our care is a dna\\anger to him and to my mother.  Every time he is sent home he is worse, every time he has an episode he gets worse.  they know this, but refuse to keep hi, or even offere diagnosis.  If they did that, Medicare would kick in and they would be fined for the number of times they sent him home untreated.

Medicare will not help.  The VA will not help.  Providence has formed a human  wall to block to block care.  They  forcing us to pay out of pocket.  This will leave us homeless and penniless in under a month.

* * * * * * * * *

Edit:  I did finish my drawing of Dana, and have scanned it.  The scan doesn't quite capture the work - for instance, the light bounces off it badly on her elbow where I heavily shaded her jacket.  Tomorrow if I get a chance I will try to photograph it.

We've got my father placed for two weeks in a care facility, and that will  cost us some three-fourths of what money we have left.  I can qa least finish Moony's drawing now.

Caring for my father takes at least three people watching him 24/7, sometimes needing us to call a neighbor for help when he has an episode.  We are frayed to our end, exhausted and undone.  Two months ago he was out back chopping wood.

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