Tuesday, November 28, 2017

goodbye Dana

Dana will never, ever be free of her cage.  She built it herself, I cannot free her from it.  Her cage is her fear of speaking to me.  She refuses to leave it.

She blocked me from sending her message.  That's it.  She broke my heart again.  She found courage and compassion for one brief moment and now it's gone.

Think I've established that that is NOT Guanyin on Dana's back.  Compassion is a meaningless concept to her.

Dana, If I offended you I'm sorry.  I'm sorry my morals and values aren't what you thought they should have been.  I 'm sorry that I refuse to judge a group of people you'd have me condemn.  I'm sorry you have a doppleganger.  I'm sorry you acted guilty and afraid and helped me believe something that wasn't true.  And I'm sorry you didn't have it in you to be a true friend.  I'm sorry you decided now of all times would be a great time to break my heart again.

I'm curious, Dana, what part of my love and support for you as a friend offended you most?

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