Thursday, April 21, 2016

Going Under

Right now I'm wishing that Dana really did have ties to the mafia.  We are in desperate need of an aggressive lawyer and maybe some muscle.  Our money is gone, the two weeks of having someone look after my father (badly) is half over, the primary care physician is dedicated to blocking us.

My branch of the family is drawing to a close.  For the past month I've been getting  two to three hours of sleep a night.  I never did learn how to survive on my own, and honestly I have no real desire to survive anyway.  Was already having a hard time dealing with depression before all this. 

Trying not to take Xanax.  It's been offered.  Would be so easy to depend on it.  Can't relax, mind running marathons whether I'm laying abed or not.

My art is not going to move fast  enough to conjure up any money, but I have to try.  Hoping to find someone who will pay for a drawing.  I've been talking to artists at Saturday market, but everything requires initial investments funds I don't have.

I'd bet that Dana would make a great agent/manager.  We'd be a good team.  If ever she is going to offer me a kind word, it has to be now.

I have Moony's drawing done, hoping to hear from him in the next day or so.  I have a drawing for Scott traced lout and prepared  to begin.  It won't bring in enough, but I'll take what I can get.

I also have three images of Marilyn Monroe traced out.  Now...I do not have the money to have prints made.   Obviously you can't sell a print for the same price as an original, but you can sell more copies.  The original I can only sell once.  So is it  worth the time?

What should I be doing?

Dana, if you're out there, please help me.

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