Saturday, December 23, 2017

New painting completed

'Comforter', 18" x 24", enamel and crayon on Masonite.

This me with mom at the hospital shortly before she passed.   She was covered in her favorite Biederlack comforter blanket, red and white with a hearts design.

Ever since that day I've been needing to paint this. For a while I lacked he courage to try.

It's looser than My usual work and took maybe two weeks of experimenting with the paint and crayon before I got the look I wanted for the texture of the blanket.  I've never done anything this personal before and I think it may be a huge step forward for me - provided I follow up on this direction.  I want to, lacking at the moment the time, material, and next image.  I'm even happy with the actual finished texture of the painting itself, once I'd coated it with satin sealer.